10 Eurovısıon 2020 songs you need durıng the coronavırus pandemıc
There is a pandemic effecting all the World, currently mostly Europe and we are all taking extreme precautions to protect ourselves, our families and our societies. Nobody is sure what’s going to happen to major events such as Euro 2020, Tokyo Olympics and of course Eurovision this year. The organization committee of Eurovision 2020 recently informed people that they are going to plan things as if everything is all right and will re-assess the situation again at mid-April.
Meanwhile most of the Eurovision songs this year, seem to be related to this pandemic, even though they were released earlier. They are mostly ballads anyway.
I picked some for you.
We should really “Make Noise” for Italy.
They are facing a major crisis as the health system is currently incapable of covering the needs of the most critical cases and maybe Diodato is asking for our support
Let’s start making some noise for Italy, or with fellow Italians in our balconies.
“But make noise, yes
Because I can't bear it
This unnatural silence”
According to some folks, this pandemic is the way universe fights humans, punishes them for the whole industrialization and Global Warming.
I don’t quite agree with this view, since this sort of pandemics are quite common back in history where we are quite fewer people, using resources a lot less. Remember the Plague, and the other Plague, and the other.... However, it is definitely caused by our relationship with wildlife in one way or another. And Blas Canto thinks, we can solve this situation by apologizing from the universe.
"Forgive me, forgive me
Well, Alisja decided to warn us about how fragile our civilization is. Hopefully we’ll survive but, we should never take things for granted as burning “an empire happens so easy”
"Burning an empire
Happens so easy
Playing with fire
Maybe it's you and me
Burning an empire
Is our fault, we
Rise and fall"
Netherlands speaks on behalf of the scientists trying to figure out the virus. We thought science knew everything but we are very confused about a little, tiny, microscopic thing. We are not even sure if we can grow an immunity and “the more we learn is the less we know” for sure.
"The more I learn
The less I know
Through every high and every low
Oh, oh, the more I learn (Grow)
The less I know (Grow)"
Switzerland joins the questioning of the scientists, but from a more philosophical point of view.
To be honest, we are not that depressed yet, as it is just the beginning. But this whole thing seems like it will be overwhelming. Even if the deaths are limited, the economic outcome will be stressful or staying indoors for so long will be unbearable. And at that moment we can be angry and whining along with Gjon’s Tears.
"Why does death
Come after life"